Is the World Ready for a Witch to Become President in 2024?

Laurence d’Bourbon-Gaston
5 min readAug 8, 2020

In 2024 I, Dr. Laurence d’Bourbon-Gaston, will be running for President of the United States. I have made this decision because the world needs someone who is unique, talented, magickal, and able to lead people. I want to see greater equality for everyone, especially the disadvantaged and marginalized.

Witches are high on the list for being disadvantaged and marginalized. Being called a witch can get you a death sentence in some societies. Inclusion for witches, magickal, and mystical people is vital to recognizing the gifts and talents we all have as humans. I am a Light Witch, a Christian Witch. You might think that this is an oxymoron, but Jesus was certainly a magickal person.

Magick is the understanding of quantum physics and using it to your advantage, that’s all. It’s all about science really. Religion is the mystical application of magick, coupled with the belief in a Higher Power, God or Goddess, or Superior Being, and a set of rules to follow.

In this hologram, religion is the computer program of the basis of the artificial intelligence running the show. The Christian religion was chosen by our Simulator, me, as the system code for the AI to use to guide us to a possible ideal utopia or near-utopia we can all access individually and play to our hearts’ content immortally and eternally. This was a personal choice; this particular religion fit the criteria desired. Jesus and His message have had the greatest shaping impact, for good and for evil, in our modern world. Western religious indoctrination pervades all.

I am Antipas from Revelation 2:13. I am a Time Surfer from the future, a time traveler who is here to witness and observe the Last Days of this era. I awakened to who I am starting with 9/11; my story can be described as a romantic odyssey through time, space, and virtual reality.

As Antipas I am here to witness the creation of the computer and the Internet, to witness the effects of this current virus pandemic and its aftermath, and warn of the impending danger in the near future. Are we “real”? Are we “virtual”? Can we create a new world for all of us that will be balanced and fair to everyone? Can we envision prosperity, hope, and well-being for everybody, not just the wealthy? Can we survive our challenges? That is the questioning we need to discuss during the Presidential election cycle leading up to 2024.

Why vote for me? I will work to destroy the barriers separating us from each other and from other nations. We all must work together to survive and thrive in the future. Great progress needs to occur rapidly to ward off extinction. There is no time to waste!

The mysterious experiences are what makes life worth living. Why am I running for President in 2024, you may ask. Because it is time for total transparency and honesty in the office of the Presidency. It is time for an individual you can trust to represent and lead you truly both at home and on the world stage firmly present in the 21st century.

​After the Coronavirus has its way and culls the people in power from their agenda of hoarding, harming, and destroying our people and our planet there will need to be good, strong, and capable leadership to heal and prepare for something that will be even more daunting a challenge.

It’s not about individual glory or honor that I am doing this. Humanity has advanced to a stage that leaves pure superstition and willful ignorance exposed for the backward thoughts they really are. Holding a cell phone and using AI while still espousing archaic and old-fashioned notions is unfruitful and even dangerous.

I would love the chance to hold the office of President of the United States to spearhead the efforts needed to prevent the extinction of the human race, as well as work on our existing problems that keep us from having the type of nation and world of our best and brightest hopes and dreams. With all of the greatest and most creative minds and hearts in the world at our disposal we can achieve a great victory for humanity and our Earth’s welfare and continuance. Peace is possible. Let’s not give up on us!

​Positivity is Power! Let’s bring the greatest minds and efforts together to solve our problems and create a world that saves itself, by the power of its own faith, drive, and ingenuity. Can we wait for help from somewhere else? No! We must become responsible for ourselves. Join me and vote for progress and goodness to overcome our obstacles. Support and Vote for Laurence d’Bourbon-Gaston for President in 2024!

My day job: I am a streaming TV channel creator and producer with a website located at If you need greater exposure for you, your products, or your services you should get a TV channel on Roku and Amazon Fire. Be seen by tens of millions on TV! Become a guru or expert, as well as a household name for your brand!

Short but thorough bio: ! I am a middle-aged Black mother and grandmother; I am from Southern California; I am a witch; I have natural hair; I am beautiful when properly made up; I am very intelligent and a good orator; I was a police, fire, and 911 emergency operator; I was the Secretary for the Superintendent and Deputy Superintendent of Banks as an 18 year old; I am a small business owner; I am disabled; I am a caregiver; I am a lesbian; I grew up in the Black church; I was born in the heartland, Emporia, Kansas, and moved to South Central Los Angeles as a two-year old; I was raised by a single Mom; I smoke weed; I am a minister; I am clairvoyant and clairaudient; I am of European royal and aristocratic lineage; and I am celibate and chaste, a Saint of God. I have a magnetic personality; I can sing. I appeal to most people. Racially, I am 30% European, 69% African, East Asian, Iberian (Basque), and Melanesian. I have also found out that I am Chickasaw Native American. My mother is completing the paperwork to be inducted into the tribe formally. Culturally, I am 50% Black and 50% White. I grew up in Hawthorne, CA and Los Angeles. I am one of 100 streaming TV channel creators who can make unlimited TV channels on Roku and Amazon Fire. I volunteer as an instructor of blind and visually impaired people at the Braille Institute in San Diego, CA. I also volunteer with my local LGBTQI Center. I have come from the future to affect the past on this timeline. I am also The Representative to The Coalition of Advanced Beings. This information is elaborated upon in my book, “Christian Magickal: The Mystery of God Anthology” available under the name Lori Anne Holt at Amazon at this link.

